Monday, January 24, 2011

Hope is in the small things

A few months after W & K were born, a friend & I were shopping at some little craft fairs in Maine. We came upon a booth where some older ladies had items they had crocheted and knitted. The stuff was absolutely beautiful and so cheap. The little baby blankets were about $5.00 - I had no reason to buy baby blankets, but they were so pretty and so soft, I couldn't resist. So I bought 2. A mint green one and a light purple one. They also had the sweetest little sweaters for girls, no buttons, just a tie at the top. I remember thinking "I really need to buy those" I don't know why, as I said, I surely had no little one to put it on. But, I had the strongest need to buy them. It gave me hope that one day, I'd have a little one to wear them. That was in 2001. So here we are almost 10 years, 3 moves, & 2 blessings later...

Sometimes all you need is a little hope for your hearts desire and a little faith to get you there. Oh, and she uses the blankets for her dolls :)


  1. What a precious story!! I love that God blessed you with another boy and girl to watch grow as your heart still hurts for moments with W & K.

  2. Beautiful story, K! Your story is still amazing after all of these years.

    I have a dear high school friend who lost a set of twin boys in Oct. at 19 weeks. I don't know that they're ready to "hope" for their future family yet, but I shared with him a little about your story and how W and K are so woven into your family even 10 years later.

    So glad to know you and glad you're blogging!


  3. Danielle - feel free to share my email with her. It's amazing how many people I've been able to share with. Makes it a bit easier knowing someone has been there.
