Sunday, August 15, 2010

New puppy - Take Two

Our first attempt at getting a new pup for Bubba failed miserably. Dixie, aka "psycho puppy" was WAY more dog than any of us bargained for. She was too big, too goofy, and (I hate to say it) but she was really dumb. Not trainable kind of dumb. Vacant eyes kind of dumb. So, she went to live with some really odd people and I'm sure they are just happy as can be, and probably talk to their odd friends about how mistreated she was because we kept her OUTSIDE.

**they wouldn't take her blanket that she'd had for 6 months because it had dirt on it. It was outside. It was hers. You have a washing machine! **

So, anywho...shortly after parting ways with Dixie, my cousin offered us his beagle puppy. She needed a bit more attention than he & his wife, who both work, could give her. So, we discussed it and said "sure, we'll take her for a few days and try her out". Then he changed his mind. No biggie. So we put the pup search on the backburner for the rest of the summer and decided to wait til the school year got us back into a routine. We were thinking Yorkie. Little, energetic, yep, that'll work. Then I get a message from above cousin. They decided again to try to give us the beagle. So, we got her on Friday, she's great, housebroken already (bonus), free (Bonus), all accessories included (bonus). Bubba loves her. Sweet Pea is getting there. Bailey (our old-man dog) hates her, but whatever, he hates all animals.

So, here we go again, hopefully with success. And visitation rights for my cousin.

Only one problem - her name is Aubie for the Auburn University Tigers. Um, we don't like Auburn. We are Tennessee folk. Gotta work something out there.