Monday, November 30, 2009

Gloomy Monday

Yucky day today outside. Wish I could go back to bed. Unfortunately Sweet Pea was up at 4:45. Nice. I have no idea what is going on with her. I've tried to figure out if this sleeplessness during the night & early rising conicides with starting the whole milk. So, today I think I'll get Silk soy milk and see how the nights go. She has a tooth that refuses to come in...I'm thinking/hoping that's the problem.

Other than that...Wal-Mart is on my to-do list. We're out of bread and milk. I'm working tomorrow, so that will be a nice break from reality.

Ok, back to laundry......have a happy Monday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's Christmas Time!!

I spent all of yesterday afternoon/evening shopping and hanging out with Carrie (mmmm...chocolate fondue!)and when I finally made it home at 11pm, I walked into a dark, quiet house, except for the CHRISTMAS TREE! It isn't decorated, but with it's pre-lit lights was so pretty in the dark house. If I weren't so tired, I'd have stayed up just to look at it. Today we will decorate a bit after Colby gets home from the first day of duck hunting. It's supposed to be gorgeous today! 67 degrees!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Here We Go....

The other day Colby says to me "we should do a blog". I think "WHAT?" I was totally surprised by this as I figured he thought blogging was a waste of time. He's the kind of guy who isn't intrigued by the daily happenings of other people (esp. not of strangers) so why would he think anyone would care about ours? But, I decided "why not?". After all, I have lots to say and generally only little people to talk to who really don't care! So, here goes! The first official blog of the Morgan Family.

Let me start with the disclaimer that I am NOT a writer. I'm a nurse. We write frantically & scribbly. (yes, that's a word!) So, if you are looking for poetic ramblings, this is not a blog for you :) If you, however, are interested in the not so poetic ramblings of an average SAHM, then this is the blog for you! Nothing fancy here. Mostly I figure even if no one but my mom reads this, I'll have an electronic record of daily events, some of which make my heart smile, like the day Sweet Pea said "MMMMM" for the sound a cow makes :) Or the other day when Bubba was asking how to make various sign language letters, and then he told me that I really know a lot of stuff. Now it's down in E-history forever and I don't have to take time to go find somewhere to write it down. I type faster than I write.

So, here we go...