Friday, July 23, 2010

I Think I Can

As I said in my last post, I rejoined the YMCA. I know my husband was not thrilled about this, since I've joined before and never gone. So, this time I was going! (that purchase of size 14 pants had sent me over the edge). I have been going, about twice a week and doing aerobics classes. There is one on Monday/Friday that I really like, circuit -style. We alternate cardio & hand weights so you never feel like you are going to pass get little breaks. One uses the step and the other doesn't. I also got on a tortune machine, a.k.a. stair-step/elliptical, yesterday for 30 minutes and I survived! :) I am actually looking forward to going, which has never happened! A friend on facebook told me when I looked forward to it, I should sit down and eat doughnuts til the urge passed! Cracked me up! I am hoping this is just the beginning of a healhier me. Now to work on the food...ugh. Does working out mean I can eat more ? Ha!

Off to make my tuna fish sandwich on new NutriGrain sandwich thins (they are good!)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Special Thursdays

I put Sweet Pea in Mother's Day Out this summer. She was actually a few months older than Bubba when he started. And the reason I did it in the summer instead of waiting til fall is because I thought Bubba needed some one-on-one time. So, we've been having "Big Boy Thursdays". It's strange, for 4 1/2 years, it was just me & him. And especially at our last duty station in Oklahoma, when Colby was gone almost all the time, it was really just us, always. So, now that he's bigger, he mostly wants to do stuff with his daddy, like going to Bass Pro and Lowe's, wrestling, etc. He's always been a daddy's boy but now that he's big enough to do more, he really is. I don't mind, really. It probably helps that Sweet Pea is a momma's girl!

So, I was sort of bummed because out of the first month of summer vacation, we only got one Thursday. We started off the summer with Lamb Camp (yep, we live in the sticks), VBS, followed by 2 weeks at Nana's. So, last week was our first time. He wanted to go see "Dolphins & Whales" at the IMAX and afterwards we hit McD's and the Baskin Robbins (HEY - it's his day, not mine!!). Then today we went to Incredible Pizza, which for those who don't know, is Chuck E. Cheese on steriods. Or maybe crack. It was fun. We played games and collected tickets and rode go-carts. He took his first spin on the bumper cars, solo - twice. I enjoyed watching him laugh without having to check on/hold/chase after Sweet Pea. I also took him for a haircut for our impending sibling pics and made a pit stop at the Christian bookstore for religious silly bands.

He's a fun kid. As I watched him drive the bumper cars, it hit me how big he's getting, and how fast he's getting there.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

PE Tubes...Part 3

For the 3rd time, I've taken my child to the hospital for PE Tubes.

Bubba has had 2 sets, one at 15 months and one at just before 5 years old. Both are out and he has been ear infection free for over a year. Whew.

Now it's Sweet Pea's turn. I was really hoping I was avoiding it this time. She had one ear infection at 11 months and then got one again right before Memorial Day.

And she STILL has it. After 4 round of antibiotics plus a shot, today she got tubes. She was not happy at the hospital, as if she knew something was not right. She freaked when I tried to put the cute puppy dog gown on (and she loves dogs!!!). She freaked about the ID bracelet...finally they took her, crying and reaching for me. One of those moments that pierces your heart. In about 10 minutes, the MD came out and said she did great. YAY! When we went back to recovery, she was just waking up. A nurse was holding her and she looked totally out of it. My heart sank a bit. My sweet girl, totally drugged up. Immediately she woke up and got hysterical. Nothing I did helped. She was just beside herself. We finally were allowed to leave and once we were outside, she was ok. By the time we got home, she was fine. I think she's already feeling better.

Now for those blasted ear plugs.