Saturday, June 26, 2010

This is the last time, I promise!

We've been members of our local YMCA 2 times over the last 5 years. I've used the Y approximately 5 times. Yep, I'm the girl with the big plans, joins the Y and goes the first time right after and then...well..I HATE to exercise. I do not get the endorphins I hear people claiming about after they've worked out "I feel GREAT!". I feel like eating a cookie & taking a nap after I work out.

Yet I sit on the couch and eat whatever I can find and gripe about being fat. Which I'm really not, I'm just "soft" HAHA. But, truthfully (and here it goes) 160 on a 5-foot-barely-3 inches frame is not pretty. Not that I want or even think I'd ever be thin, but 140 isn't too much to ask for. And a much smaller muffin top would be lovely.

So, I am going to do it this time. I rejoined the Y today (NO JOIN FEE!) Colby is annoyed (rightly so) at the amount of his hard earned money that I waste on memberships. But lately I think I've hit the sort of wall I hit after Bubba was born that I just couldn't go any further. Size 14 is my limit. I WILL NOT buy a 16. My personal stopping point. And after buying 3 pair of size 14 capris this summer, I'm done. I will not be able to wear them next summer (which is a shame, because they are really cute). After he was about a year old, I was at this same point, about 160 and unhappy. I did LA Weight Loss and Jazzercise and got down to 140. I was good then. I want to be back there.

As an update to Sweet Pea's of this past Wednesday, the infection was clearing, still some redness & fluid but definite improvement. We go to the ENT on Wednesday this week to see if she needs tubes. My opinion is that if the infection is clear, let's wait and see. If she has another one soon, fine, we'll do tubes. Maybe she'll not have more. She's only had 2 her whole life, this one was just a doozy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sometimes Life Hurts

Sweet Pea fell yesterday while taking a walk with a very sweet 12 yr old who was helping us with a yard sale. This is far from the first time she's had a banged up knee, but she was a trooper and let me clean it off and use some "Neo To Go" spray on it. Then last night we put a bandaid on it w/some real polysporin and she was good. Then this morning her bandaid came off, so Colby fixed her another one (it was a pretty big scrap and is a bit red) and put it on. SHE FREAKED. She cried and cried and held her little knee. We couldn't figure out what the problem was. We knew it wasn't burning or anything. Did she want the bandaid off? She nodded yes, so I took it off...then she just kept picking it up and sort of putting it over the boo-boo and crying.

What I learned - my baby girl realized that something on her hurt and she just couldn't figure it out. Did the bandaid help? No. But she understood we were tryign to help with it. Her knee just hurt and she didn't understand why.

Sometimes we hurt.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

here we go again...

Sweet Pea has had an ear infection And weeks. We've done 9 days of antibiotic A, 8 days of antibiotic B, a shot of antibiotic C, and now we are in the midst of 10 days of antibiotic D. If this doesn't work, it's PE Tubes for her. I already have an appointment with our ENT that put Bubba's tubes in. He's great, so that's helpful at least knowing we have someone good to see. I'll take her in next week to have them checked again after this last round of super antibiotics. This is only her 2nd ear infection and I'm totally bummed that it may lead to tubes. Bubba had 8 ear infections between the ages of 6 & 14 months. She's only had one before this!!

I know that tubes are no biggie, I just was hoping for a good-ear kid after all Bubba has been through with his.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Baby Girl

Sweet Pea had her first day at "Mother's Day Out" aka school today. I didn't cry when I dropped her off, and neither did she. But last night as I lay in bed thinking about what needed to be done this morning to get her there and get Bubba to lamb camp (yep, taking care of a lamb all week - we DO live in the sticks), I thought "my baby can't be big enough to go to school - even church school!!!" How did that happen?? She was just born. It's such a whirlwind. Sometimes I feel like Bubba has been around forever, but she feels like she's just been born. How is she 18 months already? I just want to press "pause". So even when I was up rocking her last Thursday night at midnight because of an ear infection, I tried to treasure it because it will be gone before I know it. She & I have a different sort of bond than I have with Bubba...he's more a daddy's boy & she's a momma's girl. Someone (who has both a boy & girl) told me it's different not only with a girl, but with that girl being younger. I think they were right. That's a double emotional whammy. I have the BIG brother & the BABY sister thing going on. Sending Bubba to Kindergarten was sweet but I didn't get torn up about it, but I think I'll be the blubbering idiot mom when it's her turn. I mean, with him, I had her at home to occupy my mommyness. When she's in school - I'll be a part-time mom. That will be hard.