I said good-bye to the crib the other day. I just gave it away on Saturday to couple who needed one.
I remember the day we bought it at Sears. Bubba was about 2 months old, we'd just moved back to Memphis and he was in a pack n play because 1)I knew we would move when he was a month old & 2) I refused to much of anything because I couldn't believe I'd actually have the need for it. I did manage to buy the dresser (since the dresser could be used for someone other than a baby, really - but not the crib). I remember the day Colby took it down after Bubba got his leg stuck between the slats at 23 months old. I remember having to leave the room as it was unassembled. I was so not ready. He wasn't even 2!!
Then I remember seeing it come back together in Sweet Pea's room, just 2 weeks before she was born. I couldn't believe I was getting to use it again.
2 years & 6 months later, she's a big girl now and getting too big to be comfy in there, although she's never tried to get out. She did so good! It took about 30 minutes to get her to lay down, she was so excited. She kept getting up and getting this stuffed animal and that one. But the second night went much smoother and she's done great. She doesn't get out, even once she wakes up in the morning. She calls for me and waits patiently in the bed til I get there.
The crib stayed in her room for 2 days, just in case. Then I, yep, me, took it apart. I kind of think I had to. When she came in, she said "where my bed go?" I said, "you have your new big girl bed now". She said "yeah!" and got in it. And that's the last she's mentioned it. I loaded it into a car on Saturday and said goodbye to that part of our baby-raising.